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2020 Vision

People seem to be working on healing someone or something somewhere, whether it is the physical body, mental or emotional pain or the planet, the good intentions are for healing. There is no step by step guide for each person that must be followed exactly and nobody can experience our healing for us. They can be happy for us, feel relief for us, but they cannot experience our healing process, for it is a process. A journey perhaps.

For some it may appear the journey is like steps towards a goal of what and how you think you should be if you were perfect, or perfectly healthy, whereas our dis-ease so to speak, is our barometer showing us we have something to deal with. There are so many wonderful Ted Talks, podcasts and testimonials of how people who are embracing quantum energy and new ways of looking at our energy systems and our psychology, are reaching those goals or adapting themselves as they go and coming to a place where they feel fantastic instead of just appear fantastic based on someone else’s expectations.

And the layers, there are so many layers its hard to tell where to start. Our dis-ease is a complex compilation of belief systems, programs, and concepts of who we think we are based on past lives and karma which may be related to what we came here to overcome, but not necessarily how, since we are also influenced by our genetics and how we use our free will. How we use our free will depends upon those programs and belief systems and how much we are influenced by our families, culture, and collective consciousness of say, our education or any group/s but also our country or continent.

So, here we are in 2020, a whole new decade and vibration and a very different collective consciousness socially than previously existed.

How do we start this journey? Some are calling it the year of 2020 Vision. Based on personal experience and going by the many stories that are out there, the only place to start is where we are at right now in this moment. Whether our pain is from the loss of a loved one, something physical or from the sense of injustice evident on this planet, we can only start with now, where our pain is now.

Those steps towards a goal, that healthy goal, sound easy if we could just see the next step. Those are my steps to climb, and climb them I will, starting with the step I’m on, with an open heart and an open mind that is open to possibilities I had been led to believe did not exist. My ancestors, who were doing the best they could with few resources and with the ability to be creative to express themselves shut down by the elite in power at the time, set the stage so to speak. I choose to use my free will to climb up and out of that arena and try out the new arena, the Golden Age arena, the heartfelt arena, where my truth is cultivated from nurturing my higher self because I learned I Am Worthy and my free will belongs to me.

….Oh, look….. I can see the next step....

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