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About Golden Age Journey

Since the 70's, my search for natural remedies and tools for empowerment and self discovery have led me to many choices and opportunities. Because I had very bad allergies that seemed to be inherited, I really wanted to change that history and become a healer. 

It was hard to find answers, so these pages are just about some of my experiences in case others ponder the same things.
There is so much out there, I found I also had to develop discernment, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not human beings that occasionally happenchance upon spiritual experiences. 

Healer, Heal Thyself.  This journey is amazing, ongoing, and worth every little bit of effort. The golden age is certainly about things that go beyond our linear and intellectual understanding, and why not? Who wants to stay in the dark ages?  

My own 'dawning' seemed to coincide with entering the Age of Aquarius, and as I have always wanted to get information 'out there' it is time to share as I go and let it grow along with me. 

The Photo:

The home page picture was taken with my iphone 6. I had just taken the amethyst out of the ocean from cleansing it in the salt water waves. The picture on the left (untouched) is the one that preceeded the one on the right (untouched).  I had no pictures of big waves. There are weird angles. I had moved a little more to the left thinking I wanted a picture that captured the beautiful light of the amethyst, and never checked back until that evening. Was I surprised!! To me it is a gift from Saint Germain, the heirarch of the golden age of Aquarius. 

About Me

"..All we are give peace a chance..."

Everyone and everything is ever evolving, and like the saying goes, "It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop".
Having literally reached the 'golden age', it just shows how many facets there are to any given concept. 

I started out muscle testing and dowsing for health, and enjoy doing vibrational healing - an accumulation of every course, seminar, teaching and nugget of information I could find.  I am looking forward to writing more about what being on this path means to me. 
Courses, workshops, lectures, etc. included Chartered Herbalist from Dominion Herbal College, Bio-Kinesiology from the Vancouver Bio-Kinesiology Institute, Body Alignment Technique, Hanna Kroeger in Colorado, Holographic Healing, Imoto Setai from Japan, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Zhi Neng Medicine, the Dalai Lama, Carolyn Myss, Deepak Chopra and others, along with being a Canadian Society of Questers member with conferences on dowsing and muscle testing.  
It is so empowering to be able to muscle test - for priorities, lists, all kinds of things, helps sharpen the intuition... I also use doctors and hospitals and chiropractors.
Thank you for visiting this site.


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