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Light Lines & Links

Light Lines articles cover various topics on this journey of self-discovery in the Golden Age of Aquarius. Links are just links to things I like that resonate with the stories of personal growth and information on how to get 'there'.

Fascinating information on how our daily lives are affected by our subconscious programming  especially from when we were kids, and how we can change that into producing positive change.

Excellent Dandapani short talk on understanding where energy goes when distracted and how in general we are good at being distracted much of the time. Awareness wanders, not your mind. 

What are the questions we all ask ourselves. The science of our extraordinary potential that is within each of us, packed full of facts and insights. Imagine this being taught in school. 

Barbara Ann Brennan gives detailed descriptions and pictures of the human energy field that helps us understand our spiritual nature as beings of light

Heartwarming book about Anna and her family with many insights into daily life in those times. Heartwarming in the sense that for years I have wondered about Essene life and now here it is and it invites us in. Grateful. 

For wonderfully detailed and current information on ascended masters and archangels and how they can help us with our self mastery, this site from Kim Michaels is a great one to bookmark and keep coming back to as it is packed with great resources and a starter kit for those just getting started. He has written many books, including a recent one called, 'Being Spiritual in an Anti-Spiritual Society'. 

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